Sourdough Breads

Sourdoughs – regarded as one of the toughest and trickiest breads to make because of the invested time, effort and the right ingredient variables needed to make it. Thankfully for us, we have to make a perfect loaf (or two)!, a Halal home based Muslim owned baker whose speciality lies in making the perfect sourdough loaf. The baker Sharon explains that Sourdough breads are essentially the fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast. The lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli gives it a more sour taste and improved keeping qualities.

In a nutshell, sourdough is slow-fermented bread. It’s unique because it does not require commercial yeast in order to rise. Instead, it’s made with a live fermented culture, a sourdough starter, which acts as a natural leavening agent. Think of this like “wild” yeast. The starter is what makes the bread rise. The sourdough starter is made first (takes 5-8 days) and then it is stored in the fridge and fed weekly. Bread made with sourdough starter, has so much more flavour and complexity than yeasted bread!

And that’s exactly what you get from sourdoughs!

What’s more to love about these sourdoughs? They are way healthier than regular white or whole wheat bread because sourdough breads have lower phytate levels which means these breads are more digestible and nutritious! Also, the probiotics also help to keep your gut bacteria happy, and it may be less likely to spike blood sugar levels.

Plain Jane Cheese
We love how the Plain Jane Cheese sourdough turned out. Chewy texture and crisp with a crackly crust on the outside. Amazing mild sour, tangy flavour in the inside that is just amazing and when you pair slices of the Plain Jane Cheese with fruits, nuts (anything really), the cheese flavour is further accentuated. Truly wonderful. This is possibly the best sourdough bread because it’s the cheesy to any homemade Sourdough Bread. And everything is better with cheese!

Double Choc
The wonderful aroma of pure premium chocolate hits you like waves the moment you unwrap the Double Choc loaf. It’s artistic leaf pattern made on its front and back appeals to you even more and you just can’t wait to peel a slice to try it!

As any Sourdough loaf, this one also has a chewy texture and crisp with a crackly crust on the outside. And then the moment comes when you are wonderfully greeted with bites of semi-melted chocolate bits that you immediately think of coffee or tea to pair this with! Even with a mug of chocolate beverage, snug in between your sheets to enjoy these. It’s truly delightful even if you eat it on its own!

Sourdough breads are freshly baked without any preservatives. Consumers are advised to consume within a day or two if leaving on counter. If you intend to store it, please read more on “SD 101” under IG highlights.

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