Everything Banana Chips

Everything Banana Chips

Everything Banana Chips is everything you would love about thinly-sliced crisp banana chips in full banana flavour! Infused with other flavours like Roasted Garlic, Sugar Cinnamon and Seaweed, it’s very easy to finish a packet all on your own in one seating.

Everything Banana Chips philosophy is traditional snacking with a modern twist. These banana chips are made from 100% banana using all natural ingredients and free from preservatives and other additives.

Made from real herbs and spices, Everything Banana Chips buy whole garlic pieces, chilli pods, cinnamon sticks, pepper corn and process them in their unique formulation. The result is a 100% naturally flavourful snack, completely flavoured in banana-garlic, sugar cinnamon banana and seaweed-banana.

Every crunch of the banana chip makes an easy swap for the usual potato chips!

Everything Banana Chips
The bananas are sourced direct from farmers in the central region of Java, Indonesia. Everything Banana buys from a community-based agriculture supporting the local rice farmers and villagers. Bananas are sourced daily where there are no use of pesticides or mass farming.

Get your Everything Banana Chips from NTUC Singapore.

Everything Banana Chips is currently looking for interested stockists and resellers. Please DM @everythingbanana for more information.

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